Reiki Preparation and Post Effects
1. Refrain from using alcohol/other substances, 24 hours before and 24 hours after your session.
2. Refrain from caffeine consumption at least 3 hours before the session.
3. Drink plenty of water the day of and after the session.
4. Wear comfortable or loose clothing for your session.
5. Fatigue and/or feeling "off" a day after the session is possible since Reiki stimulates the physical and emotional detoxification process. In some cases, this is the Reiki promoting acknowledgement and release of the emotion/or blockage. This typically does not last for more than a day.
6. Moments of personal insight and receiving mental clarity can also be experienced.
Reiki is compatible and supportive with other spiritual practices/healing modalities. It is also compatible with prescription medications and other forms of conventional medical care. Reiki does not replace recommendations from a medical professional.
things to know for your tarot reading
1. When deciding your questions place them by level of importance.
2. The questions you want most answered should be at the top in your list.
3. Questions should be specific to ensure accuracy of your reading.
4. Readings are done via Google Meet through a link I will provide.
5. Questions for your reading are due 24 hours before the reading.
When doing your reading, I prepare a personalized card spread based on your questions.
Iām very clear and intentional on reminding everyone to be open minded in their reading as not every reading will be what people may want to hear or do. I utilize the questions asked to create a personalized spread that tells me a story based on how the cards interact with one another. Reading with empathy and reminding people of their personal strength is also something that I bring into my readings.
Tarot and your reading do not dictate your path. You have free will and the power to change your outcomes.